The Uses Of Whole Body Vibration Machine In Treating Osteopenia
Osteopenia is when the bone mineral density is low. Mostly women are the ones affected most because they lose their bone mass quickly as compared to men. Many women limit when they eat to maintain their body weight. Mostly they would eliminate the dairy products from their diet which is risky as it is part of their source of calcium.
The leading causes of osteopenia are like physical inactivity, poor nutrition, medication and genetic. The best osteopenia treatment is the diet. Your diet should comprise of fruits and vegetables and add mineral and vitamin supplements. You should also emphasis on full body exercise and with patience and determination you can rebuild your bone density. Everyone is concerned about their health. If you have a gym equipment it becomes easy to exercise are home without going out of your house.
There are many types of home gym equipment and that makes it challenging for most people to choose the one that suits them best. You should consider buying the whole body vibration machine while treating osteopenia as it assists in strengthening the muscles, power and balance of the user. While using the machine you can either sit or stand. The user of the machine controls the frequency of the vibrations and the time they need to use the machine. Other patients like stroke patients and those with back pains can enjoy the benefits of that machine. Know more about vibration machine at https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/29/vibration-exercise-machines_n_1306598.html.
Whole body vibration machine is the best in muscular strengthening where the user needs to apply the isometric exercise. People with knee osteoarthritis can improve their muscle strength by engaging in excises like lunges, squats and dips. People with special disabilities and cannot use the regular strength can also use the whole body vibration machine. They gain other benefits out of the exercise without straining their cardiovascular system.
For Parkinson's disease, patients can use the vibration machine to enhance their strength, stability, flexibility and strength. The user only releases the synovial fluid within the first few minutes of exercise to improve movements. The synovial fluid facilitated the easy and smooth movement when one experiences stiff muscle. When the oxygen is pumped into the damaged areas or joints healing takes place. Whole body vibration training can reduce the chances of osteoporosis in post-menopause women.
It aids in muscle healing. It is the best to recover from an intense body workout to help prevent soreness and stiffness after the workout. It is a way of removing excess toxins in the body. You must be an informed buyer before you go buying the whole body vibration machine. First check the quality of the material used to make the vibration plate machine.